Category: linux

  • Bash history with timestamp

    Very often we are working on shared environments. And very often we are hearing “It wasn’t me…” when we are trying to identify who executed what. We can get list of logged users from the last command, but how to linked these outputs with the list of commands from history? And/or how to push all…

  • Convert disk to GPT without losing data

    Customer asked for it…. Customer got it…. (and I was scared as hell…..)

  • FullBackup to Amazon drive

    Amazon is offering UNLIMITED storage for only $59USD/year (with 3 months free trial). For me – amazing thing for backups!

  • Let’sEncrypt (finally)

    For such a long time I’ve been using StartSSL certificates for my webs (and jabber….). But after all their affairs I lost my trust in them. And not only me – more and more companies nowadays revoking their CA from the list of approved and trusted CAs. Also I’m lazy and always forget to renew…